Special Guest MLog
  • We get email from all over the world every day, but every now and then, we get something from a diver we've met that gets our attention. Here's one of those from Steve in Texas, who accepted out challenge to find one of our challenge coins on a shipwreck...

    Greetings from Roatan, Honduras.

    I am not nearly as clever or glib as any of your executive team obviously is, so I won't even try to match witticisms with you.... I DO hate to fail, and I am miserable when I fail miserably. Having said that, I undertook your challenge, to find your Challenge Coin secreted on the wreck of the Prince Albert, using only my personal scuba gear, my training as a DiveMaster, and my fierce desire to WIN the challenge presented to me. I employed state-of-the-art underwater search techniques, including looking everywhere I could think of

    , as best that I was able. I spent a lot of time, starting at the bow, looking everywhere that wasn't obvious or inaccessible. I worked my way down the deck, usually inverted (I still have some residual sensation in my brain from being upside down for so long) looking at, in, under and around every plate, pipe, tube, angle, fitting and marine growth that I could access, without harming it or myself. I had just about made it to the rear superstructure when I thought (paraphrasing) "Nah, they wouldn't have been that obvious!?!?". Imagine my delight, which quickly morphed into a melancholy, when I made the discovery. I had WON, but now the challenge was over(?), and I could think of nothing else (at the moment) that would fuel my burning desire to win, Win, WIN (even though that's not really a very attractive quality for a person to display, once you see it written out).

    Anyway, attached is my photographic evidence that I (or someone that has fingers and a camera handy) did, indeed, put their grubby mitts on your collector-quality (should this be hyphenated or separate words ?) challenge coin. I truly did not, nor still do, know whether you intended for the lucky finder to take possession of this treasured work of art, or to leave it for posterity, not unlike the golden records that are 'winging' their way out of our galaxy, safely stowed on the Voyager Spacecrafts, so, in the interest of erring on the conservative side, I have left it resting safely in the niche where you deposited it. If, however, it is the intention of The Dispensibles' Executive Committee that the lucky explorer take possession of the Challenge Coin, and go forward in life with a renewed sense of duty to their fellow man, woman or gender-neutral person, then please reply (with haste) so that I may again retrieve my well-earned prize before some bozo that isn't even looking for it takes it and puts it up for sale on eBay.

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